Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Solar System Project

The twins are working on Solar System models that they can turn in for extra credit in Science. Tonight, we painted all the planets... wow!!!! what a mess!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Late Night Project

Caleb has a project due tomorrow that he forgot about... he had to stay up pretty late to get it done. He was ready to sleep on the desk by the time it was finished. He is usually on top of his schoolwork and makes straight A's (so proud), so we cut him some slack for forgetting this one.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Brockman Baby Shower

My friend, Wendy, is expecting twin boys. Today, I went to her shower... double everything brought back some sweet memories of Andrew & Matthew.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Go Saints!!

Took a team picture of the twins basketball team after their game today, they really enjoyed playing this year... their teammates are some of their best friends. 

back row: Coach Scott Samuels, Andrew, Carter Sutton, RJ Robinson, Matthew, Coach Dad
front row: Matt Jones, Sammy Clark, Harrison Trice, Patton Samuels

Friday, January 27, 2012

Shorts and Sandals in January?

Consignment sales are coming up and since we are moving, I decided to start getting everything together now. Ethan decided to wear his "this little monkey is 1" shirt one last time, as well as some shorts that I figured were too small because they are sized 6-12 months (we will be hanging onto them) and some sandals. Great outfit for January, huh?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Self-Service Snacks

Ethan has gotten into the habit of grabbing whatever he wants to eat out of the pantry. Today, I caught him with a box of cereal.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Ethan took babysitting the Hawell twins literally... he sat right down on Amelia's carseat after church tonight. Isn't his pose precious?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Yay!! It's not Psoriasis!!

Took Matthew to the Dermatologist today and she confirmed that his rash is not Psoriasis... its Pityriasis Rosea!! It's just about gone now, so glad it was something that is temporary. :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Little Helpers

Raeann and I went house shopping today!!! We picked out tile and light fixtures. Here's our little helpers telling us which light they like the best... they had so much fun running around together and behaved so much better than Raeann and I expected.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Big Boy Toy

See what the rain has done?? The road is a mess!!! Jeremy borrowed his friends tractor so he could clean up a bit. He called it work, but I think it was more play. Ethan Baggett and Jonathan Nicholson are in the background... we've hired Ethan to keep the house clean after each trade and to do other things around the job site that need to be done. He sometimes brings a friend, today it was Jonathan. When I asked them if they were having fun in the mud, Ethan said they were making mud pies. :)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hoops- Andrew & Matthew

Do you know how hard it is to get both boys in the same picture during a basketball game??? They have also improved a lot this year... Matthew was the only person to score for his team last week. Andrew is sporting a headband to keep his hair out of his face... much better than the "tiki" he had for football- That boy loves attention!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Hoops- Caleb

Mom and Dave came up for the weekend to see the boys play basketball. Having someone else to keep an eye on Ethan gave me a chance to take some pictures. Caleb has really improved this year and is playing really well! I love to watch him play!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Winn House!

It's coming along! Trim is done, the painters are hard at work and the floors will be stained tomorrow. Tile starts next week followed by light fixtures and cabinets! I've been singing rain, rain go away a lot... the ground never gets dry enough for dirt work! I'm ready to do driveways and landscaping!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hungry Caterpillar

I haven't posted something that I have made in a while. Today, I made this super cute Hungry Caterpillar shirt for a friend to give as a 1st birthday present. I love how it turned out!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Willow House

Tonight I hosted a Willow House party for Courtney. I LOVE their stuff!!! It was fun to hang out with all of my closest friends.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Problem Child

I haven't posted a picture of Yoshi in a while, he has definitely become our "problem child." He chews on EVERYTHING and has ruined several of Ethan's toys, a few rugs, a book bin, almost ALL of Ethan's pacifiers and loves to dig in house plants. We keep all the bedroom doors shut to keep him from getting into more stuff than he already does.  I have to watch him like a hawk!! He is also still using the bathroom in the house A LOT! It's a good thing he's cute... I can't wait to be out of the puppy stage!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Settlers of Catan!

Here's the game that I posted about last week. Tonight the Suttons brought their game and the Jones' came over to see what it was all about. We had so much fun playing... I've got to get a set for us!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Owl Painting

When I saw this owl picture on the Swirlz Art schedule, I had to paint it! Courtney also likes owls, so we went together. We were the last ones to leave and still not thrilled with how they turned out. Most of the time I like that I am a perfectionist, but tonight I did not!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Traveling Tshirt

We do a dirty santa gift exchange at our New Years Eve party (held tonight) every year. Lisa Syner brought this tshirt as her gift a couple years ago. So far, the recipient has held onto it and remembered to bring it back for it to go to a new home.  Lisa moved to Hawaii the year she brought it so it's neat to have a little part of her at the party now. I can't wait for her to move back here!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

1st Snow of the Season

It has been snowing on and off for most of the day... I have a feeling the kids will be out of school tomorrow, but they don't cancel it until 4:30am!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

GA Games

Tonight was our first night back in GAs in a while due to the hoildays. We played a fun game where the person in the middle had to say something about themself like "my favorite color is pink" or "I have brown hair," then everyone who could say the same thing had to find a new seat which left a new person in the middle. Teaching games is sooo my cup of tea, because I love playing with them!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Secret Pal Reveal Night!!

For the past year, I have been in a "Secret Pal Dinner Club." Once a month, we get together to have dinner and exchange gifts. It has been a lot of fun getting to know these girls better. Tonight was our last meeting and secret pal reveal so I had to get a group picture! 

Back Row: Karly Morris, Wendi Lewis, Karen Weathers, Kim Lewis, Christie Williams, Amanda Ray
Middle Row: Laura Enquist, Adrienne Terrebonne, Erica York, Billi Metz
Front Row: Diane Carroccia, Sharon Driskell, Me, Courtney Brooks, Heather Sugg, Melissa Jones, Karen Sutton
Not Pictured: Ashley Martin

Monday, January 9, 2012

Psoriasis or Pityriasis Rosea???

Matthew has sadly always been our health problem child. He has several health issues that we relate back to his prematurity as well as others that we believe are genetic. I noticed a large red spot on his lower back a couple of months ago. I figured it was a dry spot due to the cold weather, but right before Christmas, it spread like crazy all over his body. Both my brother and Jeremy's sister have Psoriasis so we were thinking that it could be that, but neither the doctor or nurse practitioner would confirm it today when I took him in.  Tonight, I did some research online and his symptoms and rash pattern sound just like "Pityriasis Rosea." It is often confused with Psoriasis, but it is not chronic. We are praying that it's just Pityriasis Rosea!!! I'm taking him to the dermatologist on the 24th, so we will know more then. :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

How many kids fit on the trampoline at once??

The kids have loved living back in South Ridge, there's tons of kids to play with and they are constantly outdoors (which I like). Today, we looked out in the backyard and saw everyone on the trampoline... I think we counted 14 at one point, but it looks like there was only 10 when I took the picture.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Pretzel Making

Tonight, we went over to our friends, the Suttons, house. We made homemade pretzels, ate dinner together, then let the kids play while the adults played. Bryan and Karen introduced us to a game called "Settlers of Catan." It was lots of fun and we plan on buying the game for ourselves!

Friday, January 6, 2012

The 3 Stooges

After Caleb's basketball game today, Patton Samuels came up and put his arms around the twins, I thought it was sweet until he bonked their heads together. I guess we should call them the 3 Stooges.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Picking Out Paint

Why do they have to have so many colors to choose from!!! Jeremy and I painted the colors that the Winns picked out on walls in their house today and tonight I picked out a couple more browns and blues for them to chose from... it's gonna look so good!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas Cards

Time to take down the 70 Christmas cards that we received this year, Andrew was in charge of putting them on our card holder, it eventually became a chore getting them all to stay up there... I think we need 4-5 more card holders! I usually send 200 cards to family & friends, but I cut the list back to 185 this year... trying to save a little money :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Fireboy and Watergirl

The kids and I have been playing this game that they found on the internet the last few days. It's 2 player and you have to problem solve and work together to complete each level. It's addicting!!! Look for it on www.y8.com

Monday, January 2, 2012

5 Guys!

Today, Jeremy and I took Chad and Raeann to Southeastern Salvage in Nashville to pick out bathroom mirrors, we decided to go to 5 Guys afterward... they make some good burgers!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ring Around the Rosie

The Winns came over tonight to discuss their house, we are getting really close to the end and the fun times are here!! Time to pick out paint, appliances, fixtures, hardwood color, tile, etc!!! While we were talking, the big kids did "Ring Around the Rosie" with the little kids... They loved it!