Sunday, June 30, 2013


Tonight we went to the Driving Range, then grabbed KFC (I love KFC) for dinner on our way home. We haven't gone geocaching in a long time so we stopped to find a few on our way home. This one was behind the McDonald's on Madison Street. It was in a magnetic key holder stuck to the backside of the guardrail. We plan to geocache more often, it's a lot of fun!!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Another Turtle

Caleb had golf matches in Nashville on Wednesday and Thursday this week so he has stayed with my in-laws, Fred & Janet until today. Before we left the house to go pick him up, he sent us this picture of a turtle that he found. He plans to bring it home so he can have an inside and an outside turtle. :)

Friday, June 28, 2013

Bowling Fun!

Tonight we met the Syner's and another family (that are new to town) at the bowling alley for some fun! I asked the boys to pose for a picture and this is what I got!!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Yoshi & Monopoly

I am trying to get a hostess spot for a Monopoly House Party. They've come out with a new CAT pawn and the party theme is "Which is better, cats or dogs?" To have a better chance of being considered I uploaded this picture of Yoshi playing the game. :)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tiny Driver

Jeremy, Ethan, and I ran a quick errand today while the twins were playing at Matt's house (he lives 4 houses away). On our way home, we let Ethan out of the car at Matt's house so he could go to the door to tell Andrew & Matthew to come home. (He thought he was big stuff). He thought he was even bigger stuff when Jeremy let him drive home!! LOL.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How we do laundry...

With a family of 6, I am constantly doing laundry. I enjoy getting help from Jeremy and the kids because it gets OLD!! One way the kids help me is by bringing down the upstairs laundry for me. They are a lot more willing to help when I let them throw it off the balcony into a basket. :)

Monday, June 24, 2013


When I took Yoshi outside this morning he kept circling and barking at something in the yard. I figured it was a hurt bird or something so I asked Caleb to go out to see what Yoshi was barking at. Come to find it, it was a SNAKE!! I went to the garage to get the hoe so I could kill it, but Caleb asked if he could do it, so I let him. He beat the thing to death, literally!! ha!! We think it's a chicken snake, so it's not harmful, but Yoshi sure didn't want to share our yard with it.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Baseball Party

Today we went to the twins "end of the year" baseball party. It was at one of the other players houses. They all had a great time playing in the pool, it was a beautiful day!!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Thumbs Up!

Jeremy took our 4 boys plus Matt Jones and Addi Harwell to the driving range today. He bought Ethan's bag yesterday and he looked so cute carrying it!! This is what he did after Jeremy asked him how he liked golf. Isn't he adorable!?!?!??!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Centrikid Camp

Andrew and Matthew have been gone to Centrikid Camp this week. Jeremy took this picture of them Monday morning before they loaded onto the bus. Matthew roomed with Matt Jones and Andrew roomed with Carter Sutton. They had a great time!!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

What a 14 and 15 year old play with...

Josey spent the night last night and today him and Caleb build this huge Geotrax track! They worked on it for hours! They used to always build with legos together when they were younger, I guess they decided to relive their building together days for Ethan. :)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Happy 14th Birthday, Caleb!!

It's so hard to believe that my little boy is 14!!! Time goes way too fast!! Tonight we celebrated by having Nana, Granddad, and Josey over for a cookout and cornhole. Happy Birthday, Caleb!!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ethan's First Sleepover

Our friends, Chad & Raeann, go to Lebanon for their anniversary every year. Their 18th anniversary was yesterday and I told them I would watch DeLyla while they were gone so she came over to spend the night tonight. Her and Ethan were so cute together, they played like crazy in his room and then sat together on the little kid couch to watch a movie. This is them brushing their teeth before going to bed in the twins beds. :)

Monday, June 17, 2013

New Paint!!

I've been wanting to repaint the main areas of our house since Ethan "decorated" with pens and sharpies, but with the high ceiling and stairs, it wasn't something we couldn't do on our own... until now! Last week, there was an Amazon deal for a really cool ladder (it can do all kinds of stuff, even go on stairs!!!) so I got it for Jeremy for Father's Day. Yes, I had an ulterior motive... I wanted to use it to paint, but it will also come in handy for our construction business AND it takes up a lot less space than the extension ladder we have because it folds up so much. :) Anyhoo, I texted Jeremy this morning to ask if we could paint tonight and he said YES!! So I called in the paint order for him to pick up on his way home from work. In the meantime, Cliff Syner texted him to ask if we could hang out tonight. Jeremy asked me and I said, while I would love to, I'd rather be painting since he agreed to do it. :) Jeremy wanted the best of both worlds, he told me we would paint and he told Cliff & Lisa to come over. He didn't tell them we were painting, because he thought we would be done for the day by the time they got to our house. We had a lot done when they got here, but I wanted to at least finish the living room minus the stairs today. They said, if we had known you were painting we would have worn different clothes so we could help and then asked us for something they could wear. With their help we ended up painting everything I wanted done in one night!!! The picture above is Cliff helping Jeremy get to the tough part above the stairs. They are great friends and we will be returning the favor because they want to paint their vaulted living room too. :)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

Last night, the twins asked me to set their alarm clock for 6AM because they wanted to get up before Jeremy to surprise him. They fixed him breakfast (eggs), made this big banner, and wrote him a letter. Jeremy said he heard them up this morning,  he could hear the microwave beep and the pencil sharpener make noise but he knew they were up to something for him because they asked him what time he was getting up, so he stayed in bed. He was blown away!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Family Game Night

We haven't had a free night to play games as a family in FOREVER!! Tonight we played Monopoly (which took forever!!!) Caleb had Park Place and Boardwalk so I thought he would win, but they were not landed on much and Jeremy won by a landslide.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Ethan let me take his picture!!!

I bought this magic mesh screen online last week. We had one last year and it's great!! This one, however, starting losing magnets before I had it installed! The company asked me to take a picture as proof that there was something wrong with it before I could get a refund. I was about to take the picture and look who stands in my way and says CHEESE!!!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Tiny Golfer

Ethan loves to do whatever the big boys are doing. Today, Jeremy bought him a couple of left-handed clubs so he could play at their golf lessons too. :) Check out the "torque" in his club!!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Dinner with the Harwells

The Harwell's are moving back to Jackson this weekend. :( Jeremy got a good job there and they want to be closer to family because of Nicole's dad's health and so they can have help with the kids. Nicole is having a really hard time because she really doesn't want to go, just knows it is what is best for their family. Tonight we went out to eat with them... with no kids!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

New Kids Bathroom

The kids bathroom has had the same Pottery Barn Fish Decor since before the twins were born!!! I thought it was time to redecorate since Caleb is going into high school!!! I love how it turned out. :)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Sewing Machine Died on Me!

Today while I was working on a shirt for a customer, my machine shut down unexpectedly. 2 more letters and the shirt would have been done!!! Jeremy is taking it to the shop for me tomorrow. I'm praying that it's not an expensive fix!!

Update: Major trouble for my machine... it needs a new circuit board and power supply!!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Softball Weights

Caleb, Ethan, and I ran in Kmart today to see if they had any shirts that I need for an order. Caleb wanted to look at the golf stuff and while we were on the sports aisle, Ethan found these 2-pack softballs. He had no idea they were balls, he thought the were weights. He kept telling us he was strong while he was lifting them over his head. lol

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Annual 4 Generation Golf

Caleb has been looking forward to today for weeks!! He loves playing with his dad, granddad, and papaw! They played in a 4-man scramble and from what I hear, each of them contributed to their game. :)

Friday, June 7, 2013

Paracord Bracelets

One of the crafts I did for VBS was making bracelets like these. They are made with parachute cord and are called "Survival Bracelets" because you can untie them if you are ever in an emergency and need rope. Caleb became obsessed with making them, so I took him to Hobby Lobby to get some supplies. He plans to sell them.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

3 Year Pictures

I took Ethan to get his 3 year pictures taken a couple of weeks ago and received the proofs today. This is one of my favorites.. He found this little mushroom and kept tapping it with his finger, then once he stood up, he smashed it with his foot, it was pretty funny. :)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

VBS- Andrew & Matthew

I am the 5th and 6th grade Craft Director so I had Andrew and Matthew this year :) Today they made the baskets that Matthew is holding. It is a reminder from their bible study that Paul was lower in a basket to escape the city.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

VBS- Ethan

We have VBS this week at church and today Ethan's teacher sent me this picture of Ethan in class. He has had so much fun!! He usually clings to my legs when I drop him off at church, but today, he walked in and didn't care that I left him.:)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Sever's Disease

Andrew has been complaining that his heels have been hurting for the last couple of months. I kept telling him it was growing pains because he has grown so much lately. I took him to the doctor a couple of weeks ago and she referred us to a podiatrist. Andrew had his first appointment last week, we learned that he has "Sever's Disease." Sever's Disease is inflammation of the growth plate in the heel. (See, it was growing pains, lol) They gave him so temporary arch supports to see if it would help and today he is having cast done to make mold for Orthodics. Sever's Disease is something that will go away on its own, but only after his feet stop growing. They will grow for the next 6-8 years and we don't want him to be in pain that long!! Orthodics will correct the problem now. :)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

LIFE Group Goodbye Social

We had a social tonight at the church farm to say goodbye to 4 families that are moving this summer. :( 3 of the 4 kids in this picture are moving. By the way, they are on a teeter totter toy that is meant for 1 kid.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Back Pain!

Jeremy thinks he pulled a muscle in his back working out today, he's found that the most  comfortable place to be is on the floor.