Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Kite Flying

Ethan found a kite in the garage today and we spent a lot of time trying to get it to fly, he probably made 30 laps around the backyard. He was soooo cute running with it behind him :)

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Yoshie & Murphy

A friend of mine (Courtney Fowers) brings her little Yorkie over to play with Yoshie when she comes to pick up stuff I have made for her occasionally. He is the cutest little dog!! He's a miniature version of Yoshi. I tried many times to get their picture together so you could see the size difference but they were all a blurr except for this butt sniffing picture!! lol. Isn't Murphy tiny?!?!?!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Birthday Bowling with Nana and Granddad

Fred and Janet came up after church today to take the twins out to lunch and bowling to celebrate their birthday with them.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Twins Birthday Day 2

Today we took the party down to Circus World in Hendersonville. The kids had so much fun! There's laser tag, bumper cars, bungee trampolines, a gyroball, bowling, roller skating, etc. Just before we were going to leave, Cliffy fell while he was roller skating and hurt his wrist. We headed home as fast as we could so his parents could take him to the ER. Lisa, his mom texted me later that his wrist is fractured!! He's getting a hard splint and goes to the ortho to get a cast on Monday. Poor guy. :(

Friday, April 25, 2014

Twins Birthday Day 1

The twins birthday is Sunday so we started celebrating tonight. They are having a sleepover with a bunch of their friends. It's been a loud night so far!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Magnetic Blocks

Ethan got these magnetic blocks from Fred & Janet on Easter and he has played with them non-stop all week! He has built some really impressive things and his imagination has amazed me!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Strange Seat

We were watching Survivor as a family tonight and Ethan went over to the chair, climbed up on the back, and sat on Caleb's head!! Caleb slid down to get him to get off, but he wouldn't budge. LOL

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Our dinner game has been Uno lately and it's great because it's one Ethan can play with us! He knows to match the color or number and is pretty good at it... he usually wins!!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Going for a Run

Jeremy asked Matthew if he wanted to go on a run with him today. Ethan overheard him and said he wanted to go too! Jeremy said he did awesome! They ran over a mile and Ethan never stopped! He said he ran the first half and then alternated walking and running the second half. :)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Tradition

It wouldn't be Easter without taking pictures on the bench in Fred & Janet's backyard! Easter is almost as big of a holiday to us as Christmas... as it should be! Celebrating the resurrection is important to us because it is what our faith is all about!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Matthew's bunny obsession!

Our friends, the Syner's, have bunnies and one of them just had a litter. It's all Matthew talks about... he want's a bunny!! We went to visit them today and Matthew swiped my phone so he could take some pictures. We keep telling him no bunnies, but my mom is going to buy him and Andrew them for their birthday. :)

Friday, April 18, 2014

Dying Eggs

Tonight, the kids dyed Easter eggs. You would think that Caleb would think he was too old to do it, but he was just as into it as the other 3! :) I had the hardest time taking their picture. Caleb and Andrew thought it was funny to do silly faces just as I clicked the pictures. This was the best one I got!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Preschool Egg Hunt

Ethan had an Easter Egg Hunt at school today. He was so funny, because he didn't pick up every egg he saw, he only picked up the eggs he liked! It's a good thing the kids were limited to the 12 holes in the egg carton baskets, or he wouldn't have gotten many!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Heaven is For Real

Fred and Janet came up today so Jeremy and Fred could install a backsplash in one of the houses we built. While they were waiting for the mortar to dry, we went to see the movie "Heaven is for Real." It wasn't as good as the book, but I love that a Christian movie is being shown in the theater. :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Ethan and I found this salamander on the patio a few days ago and he named him "Slimey". He's been carrying the jar around everywhere we go. I'm sure Slimey's been on more car rides than any other salamander in history!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Postcards from Nana and Granddad

Fred and Janet sent us a bunch of postcards while they were on their trip and we are still getting them in the mail!! We have gotten 10 so far! Ethan loves getting mail, so we've been telling him they are sent just to him, he has been keeping them on his desk. :)

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Andrew and Matthew went to play paintball with some of their neighborhood friends today. I am thankful for Groupons... paintball isn't cheap!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Guess who made dinner?

Ethan came in the kitchen while I was fixing dinner tonight and asked if he could help! In the picture, he is putting bacon in the pot for green beans. Silly kid ate more of the bacon than he put in the pot!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Water Jumping

The twins and their friends decided to put the spinkler under the trampoline today. I swear, they were out there for 3 hours jumping... I hope the water bill isn't too high!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Ethan participated in the St Jude Trike-A-Thon at school today. He had a lot of fun riding around with his friends.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Jeremy fixed Ethan some "noodles" for dinner. I don't know what he likes more... the way they taste or the way he eats them!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Another Consignment Sale!!

Today, I went to shop at a consignment sale called Haute Tots and found a ton of Matilda Jane outfits! (Man, I need a girl!!!) I took a bunch of pictures for Nicole, so I didn't have to leave empty handed. :)

Monday, April 7, 2014

Personailzed Pails

I added something new to my facebook page!! Personalized Pails! They are great for so many things!!! I did this one for a little girl's Easter Pail. I love how it turned out.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Front Yard Wiffle Ball

The new youth pastor's kids came home from church with us so they could play with the boys. All the neighborhood kids also came over so Jeremy organized a game of wiffle ball for them. They had a blast!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Veggie Tale House Party

I was picked as a host for a Veggie Tale House Party. It worked out great because the Harwells were coming in town and we also had the Syner's over. The party pack included the new Veggie Tale movie and a bunch of other fun party stuff like the mask everyone is wearing.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Archery State Tournament

Matthew competed  in the Archery State Tournament in Murfreesboro today. His team did so well that they were invited to the National competition in May!!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Nana & Granddad

Now that Fred & Janet are retired, we get to see them a lot more! They came up tonight to tell us about their trip and to watch Jeremy and I play volleyball.. In between our games, we went to Wendy's to eat dinner on the patio. The weather was perfect!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


The twins have been working on their RA Racer cars the past few Wednesday nights and tonight was the big RACE. There was 48 kids competing and Andrew's car WON!!! Matthew was also in the finals and came in 3rd!!! I am so proud of these two and happy that they did so well at their last race! They will be moving up to the youth group in June!!! (How did that happen???)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Fools Day

I love April Fools Day because I love pranks! I parked Jeremy's car out of sight on the street after he went to bed last night so he would think it was stolen, I put poppers on Caleb's door, so that when he opened it, they would scare him (they didn't work- boo!), I put food coloring on the twins toothbrushes, and I put sippy cups in their lunches!! lol!